- Become a key vendor in digital media campaigns for THP from 2021-2023
- THP’s awareness campaigns on their products ( TKXD, EDR, EDF, Soyal..) on YouTube & Facebook & TikTok require and accept ONLY THE BEST unit cost & KPI among bidders, both international and local.
- All ads contents must not appear on platform/channel related to children, politics, religion, political music and other culturally sensitive materials.
- THP’s requirements on KPI are a series of metrics, with rigorous limits in terms of absolute number of impression, reach, frequency, percentage of age & gender & location targeting allocations on every single month and for the total campaigns.
- We totally understand every single format and creative ads from these requirement platforms to optimize the buying method, format ads, time bidding for audience with different age, gender & location to achieved the detail weekly KPI.
- Directly worked with third party (GG, FB, TikTok) to whitelist the content on channels.
94M +views
10M +unique reach
2.37 %increase ad awareness
1.22 %increase purchase intent
137M +views
15M +unique reach
6.78 %increase ad recall
2.14 %increase favorability
1.85 %increase purchase intent
38M +views
4M +unique reach
0.99 %increase awareness
49M +views
5M +unique reach
1.70 %increase awareness
0.65 %increase purchase intent
Overall, we achieve results:
75%media projects are run by BCM
100%os winning campaigns achieve KPIs