You are working hard to prepare to participate in the Pocari Sweat Run 2020, from the training to the diet menu? Probably the closer to running day, the more you try to load up on lots of carbs, drink more water, eat more greens than usual.
"The way of eating before the run really affects the performance of the running day" - Nutritionist Beth Jauquet said. “However, amateur athletes tend to be too strict when it comes to running: load plenty of food and drinks, cut down on a whole food group, or eat nutritious food. extremely indigestion.”
Let's take a look at what kind of mistakes that newbie runners usually have.
1/ Fasting before running

One of the biggest mistake that is dieting before running, so you don't have any "fuel" to keep running, says Ms. Bonci, the nutrition director. sport at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. Plan to eat an hour before the run to boost energy without hurting your stomach.
After running, snack for 15 minutes after stopping - it helps the body to synthesize muscle glycogen and recover faster. This can also help prevent or reduce late onset muscle soreness.
Your pre and post-snack snacks should not replace a main meal. Maintain breakfast, lunch and dinner routines and include snacks before and after the race. That means eating at least five times a day. When everyone is physically active, everything under three meals a day won't be enough, Mr. Bonci said.
The foods that contain the four main industry categories below are suitable for runners:
Carbohydrates: fruits and vegetables like bananas, watermelons, avocados, oranges, etc., also have oatmeal & brown rice.
The purpose of carb intake is to provide the body with a source of energy to store for an activity that lasts about 90 minutes or more. Human muscles store only a limited amount of glycogen. After that period of time, glycogen is burned by the body, causing you to exhausted physically.
Need to load carbs not only the day before the run but about 7 days before that.

Protein: salmon, tuna, chicken, eggs
Fat: Should use healthy fats from the body such as avocado, almonds, olive oil, coconut oil, fish fat ...
Vitamins: in fruits, vegetables
2. Eat ‘unstoppable’
Contrary to the above-mentioned dieting method, is feasting too much before race day.. After a period of serious practice, many people often reward themselves for a monumental meal, rich in protein and nutrients. This way of eating accidentally causes your stomach to work too much to digest many types of food at the same time, not to mention having to 'get acquainted' with strange foods that you have never tried before. Therefore, absolutely should not try strange, greasy or hot foods before the running event to stabilize the digestive system.
Before the run, an ideal meal should take 1-2 hours with high-carbohydrate, low-fiber menu like bread with boiled eggs. This is the time it takes for the body to digest the meal, reducing the risk of stomach problems while running.
3. Drink lots of water
Any runners, beginner or professional, understand the importance of rehydration. Scientifically proven: dehydration directly affects endurance and performance on your run. But is drinking water as much as possible?
Firstly, it is necessary to understand a basic knowledge that: sweat (also known as body fluids) not only contains water but also contains essential ions such as Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl-, K+... When drinking large amounts of filtered water, body fluids are diluted, leading to ionic imbalances in the body. So, this is not really a scientific way and good for the body.
Based on the composition of body fluids, Pocari Sweat was invented by Japanese Otsuka Pharmaceutical Corporation to accurately offset the amount of water and body ions lost. Take a look at the composition of Water- Sweat and Pocari to see this interesting:

In addition, according to research from the University of Louborough, UK, athletes were drinking ion-supplemented drinks with a carbohydrate at ~ 5.5g / 100mL, improved jogging time up to 3.9 minutes (for intervals 42km) compared to when they only drink filtered water. The reason is that this sufficient amount of sugar helps water and ions absorb faster into the intestinal wall. This is also an advantage of Pocari: rehydration is 2.2 times faster than filtered water.
The right way to replenish water before, during and after running:
- Before running: making sure the body is not dehydrated needs to prepare at least 48 hours in advance. The easiest way to check if your body is getting enough water is to look at your urine color. If your urine is clear and light yellow, your body is staying hydrated. If dark and cloudy urine is a sign of dehydration and needs to be fully compensated from 2-2.5L of water / day.
Right before the 2-hour running time, you should load 230-250mL Pocari to ensure the body can absorb before G.
- While running: slowly drink small sips at water points along the running track On average, you need to load from 114ml-170ml in every 20 minutes of running. Professional races like the Pocari Sweat Run will feature a carefully calculated water supply station to meet the rehydration needs of the runner.
- After: this is the time when the body needs quick and full compensation of a large amount of body fluids that have been lost after the race. Make sure to rehydrate with an ion supplement such as the Pocari Sweat so your body will not only be rehydrated, but also equivalent ions of body fluids to recover quickly.
Remember to climb the scale to check: if you lose 1% -2% of body weight: this is the normal level of dehydration of an athlete and should drink water whenever you are thirsty. If your body weight decreases from 2.1% -3%, you should actively rehydrate the body within 1 day after the run.