World today is standing in front of the challenges of scarce raw materials, especially fossil fuels, where oil prices are climbing rapidly February, threatening a crisis of global energy.


Energy issues with climate change is becoming major concerns of all humanity. Countries in the level of development ranging from developed countries, to developing countries are already planning to the national strategy to use energy-saving and effective search development of clean energy sources to replace oil.

Climate change with industrial pollution

The use of energy for living (air-conditioning, lighting, equipment activity …) in the civil accounting for more than 50% of total energy consumption in the world. Therefore the lower the energy consumption in civil countries are very interested. Currently in Germany has developed successful models of “not in the interest”. In this type of energy used to create a comfortable environment almost unnecessary. Heat energy does not exceed 15wh/m2.


Energy savings necessary for consumers at home, there are 9 cities in 5 countries in the European Union to build a pilot and continue to study the model in this. Next goal is 100% energy consumption in the home provided by the house, using solar, wind, bio … There are many studies in advanced countries and some Asian countries on the design and construction of houses using energy efficient. The work usually have the structure and spatial structure as well as use of materials is quite special.

With awareness of environmental protection, plus the state of natural resources on Earth more and more scarce, the architects in Germany are to design the house can save energy most efficiently. Glance, the apartment in the city Gartenstadt Mannheim look no different to normal apartment, but they attracted attention because of special features inside. Built from the first decade of the 1930 architecture classic, including 24 populations may Apartment 2 storey 1300 m2 large, after upgrading the overall picture has become a form of house energy efficient. It is also called the “house 3 liters, means for heating, in just 3 liters dau/m2/nam. This is the energy efficient performance from before to now, because even the new houses are built according to the standard energy saving targets must also take fuel than 2 figures. Neighborhood on the pilot project of Construction GBG with technical assistance of the University Stuttgart.

Under German law building, the buildings must be equipped with insulated layer thickness at least 12cm, but with apartment Gartenstadt, GBG class of Thermal to 20cm thick. Individual ceiling designed 4 times thicker than standard window and also the processing techniques. When completed the building, the characteristic energy savings are verified carefully by reducing the air pressure inside the house so that corresponds to the pressure outside, then check the speed of air flow into the house. The experiment showed that the temperature after the air “absorbent” through the wall has decreased significantly.

Global warming protest


At present, Germany has a positive effort to conserve energy by recent changes in the Law on Construction, the standards of energy conservation in construction, with the development of type “Home consumption action “, a house of effective energy, and the” passive house “that was created with the goal of consuming only 1.5 liters oil under m2/year.Called “passive houses” from the fact that this kind of almost not need any heating system which, because it just waste heat from the device plus a small body temperature of people in home is enough. With parts to keep the heat, ventilation system automatically will help clear rooms of Versatility. Passive house first built in 1991 by the Darmstadt kĩ Professor Wolfgang Feist of the design. Up to 1999,, He began building the house for the family, next to the apartment the fuel savings. House passive largest world called “Energon” be built in Ulm in 2002.

World does more than 6,000 neighborhood passive, including evidence, strike building rooms, workshops, health centers and schools mainly in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Type the special plate is the pin solar energy, windows insulated layer 3, with a unique ventilation , with a unique ventilation, and heat loss. Architects designed “passive Home”, Jirka Oliver, for their most important types of this is to remove the heating methods due to the normal Thermal optimum. Jirka_s home in Borfsdorf, near Berlin, is surrounded by an air buffer seal and helps keep heat inside the house. Air inside the ventilation is an automatically through a system of underground pipe length 150m, helped circulatory air and maintain a temperature change is not about 80 degrees C. The windows have 3 layers insulated glass help and more space between the glass plates is fill with gas Arargon.

While construction costs are higher than the normal design, but the architects Jirka then it saves the cost of heating and hot water, cost about EURO 50 a month. Approximately 6,000 houses or apartments all over Europe have applied the design of energy saving by “passive Home.” According to research, the energy savings at home on up to 80%.


The Netherlands is a country going in the field of construction energy-saving and efficient. Building a sustainable strategy in the sustainable development of The Netherlands. Netherlands who has designed for energy savings in many ways. Use of lighting system in a natural maximum. Designed to work can take advantage of resources to thoroughly endless energy, as energy from wind, solar. And in the design space planning, layout of space, architectural forms should thoroughly to save energy for the house to use. Roof forms and structures to prevent the cover design flexibility and diversity.

One of the famous in the Netherlands in this field is Lanxmeer Eva.

The solar battery plate is also the roofs – in the Lanxmeer Eva. Systems furnaces local tradition, the high temperature capability, but the big loss, not the toả in all rooms, air, heat, chill is replaced with the system ideal heating temperature low. The house used in the heating system temperature, but not high density thickness, leading both to the surface of walls or floors are not as warm at the time. The houses are part of the renaissance and the glass to keep the temperature (the glass effect) in the room and trees . When hot weather, the sliding door is pulled out to clear space and roof system are also open to release hot air (at this time no effect of the glass). The designers also used solutions using natural light fall on the defense, the area is between the lighting device with light switch outside the home. In the system of re-use temperature. In the air after a time will be used pollution bring clean air to replace.. Usually when you are not out to take the heat, clean air will lead to very hot (or cold) and it takes more heat to cool (warm) up through the system of re-use, people still use of the dirty air before release from house to cool (warm) air hot (cold) to clean, simply provide a small part of energy is to ensure the cool (warm) on request .

Solar pannels and wind power plant outside

Gas (biogas) is provided through the system to create bio-gas station, this system combined with computer system to filter life waste water. Waste water from factories, organic waste (vegetables, fruits, trees) as raw material inputs for biological systems to create natural gas. Ken is a yang architects Malaysia_s very famous in the design of the ecological, the use of energy saving and efficient thanks to the architectural forms and the system of green space projects . He gives a theoretical architecture new and advanced in the field of saving energy in particular and sustainable architecture in general.

Flat design biofuel illustration

Currently Architecture and Energy savings and efficiency are two areas can not be separated. It is vital to us today and for future generations.

(Source: Journal of Architecture Vietnam – 6 / 2008)

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