Fire Drill at An Phu Plaza
24 November, 2023
In a simulated scenario, a fire broke out at An Phu Plaza Building (District 3, Ho Chi Minh City). The firefighting and rescue forces rushed to extinguish the fire and rescue over 300 people working inside.
Ho Chi Minh City, September 20, 2023 - An Phu Plaza Branch collaborated with the Firefighting and Rescue (PCCC & CHCN) team of District 3 Police, along with tenants and residents of the building, to conduct a fire drill at An Phu Plaza Building. This high-rise complex comprises 20 above-ground floors and 2 basement levels, housing over 800 people. The goal of this drill was to simulate a serious fire outbreak starting from the 3rd floor at 2:00 PM and rapidly spreading to other floors.

In this hypothetical situation, more than 300 people were trapped inside the building and required immediate assistance. Upon receiving the alert, the Firefighting and Rescue force, consisting of 25 officers, 1 command vehicle, 2 fire trucks, and 1 transportation vehicle equipped with firefighting tools, promptly arrived at the scene. Simultaneously, members of the An Phu Plaza's firefighting and rescue team also participated in handling this emergency situation.

Thanks to the close coordination and high-level professional skills, the fire was successfully extinguished after about 30 minutes, and over 300 people were safely rescued.

This drill not only served as a valuable lesson in firefighting and rescue management but also raised awareness of safety and enhanced skills in fire prevention, evacuation, and rescue for all tenants, as well as officers and staff of the Firefighting and Rescue team at An Phu Plaza.